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18th meeting (semester 2) The problem in the Middle Test now is from the structure test on the Toefl Book. Mr. Zul asked us to put the reason why you chose the answer. But many of my friends don't write it down. but I, almost everything is done but not 'at all' (?) Because the successful time becomes difficult to answer without using a dictionary. The problem is, my English only knows and understands, but it's hard to express some opinions.


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21th meeting (semester 2)  Today is the first day of entering English courses after a fasting and Eid holiday more than 1 month. I think, today the presentation will only continue because it feels like it's still carried away by the long holiday air so it still feels lazy to start a new lesson hehe ... but, it turns out today is the trial session of Mr. Zul. and my God, I suddenly forgot what I learned in another toefl presentation meeting. But today Mr. Zul entered the room with Office Boy and Mr. Zul said that OB replaced it. You might say it's a charm of luck, maybe yes maybe not. Fortunately because you can cheat in the exam, Shit to keep taking the Toefl exam.

The seventh meeting of English lessons

The seventh meeting of English lessons this meeting also continued from the previous material perteuan, namely presentsi. The advanced for today's presentation is not a group of three, but a group of four, my own group, whose members are sanghi, alma, fajri, subhan, rivan. Which takes the theme of civil engineering. Unfortunately the material we took was wrong, because we made the material ourselves, and what Miss Rella was trying to do was find English material about civilian texts from goole instead of making their own material. Because of that we were given a punishment from miss rella to rectify our material, material searched on google. after completion of my group's presentation, miss rella also gives the task to the engineering students to find English songs in the lyrics of the 5W + 1H element, and will be sung together next week. so my story today, wasallamualaikum
17th meeting (semester 2) at this meeting was still with the same discussion, but because the students and mahasisiwi were too tired because they had to stay up doing college work, so this meeting felt boring